
Welcome to my site. This is a safe space for us BOTH to share and learn. I share adventures in travel as a life coach and doula, my joy as a food lover, and this is the ONLY place to book me for a tarot reading.

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Adult Mom in Crisis (As written 9/22/17)

Adult Mom in Crisis (As written 9/22/17)

    All your young life you wish to be an adult. You want to drive, make your own decisions, come and go as you please, and just do you. These are the spoils of adulthood that they paint on screen, but fail to let you know that these are the last things on your mind once you have a real life kid sucking the life out of you. Now calm down, don’t get me wrong. I LOVE my kid. Look at this face *insert Callie here*. How can you not fall in love with her? But the financial and emotional responsibility to take care of a child is taxing on any and everyone involved, especially the mother. 

    I can’t speak for anyone but myself, but I had a serious case of postpartum depression after having my daughter, and even now that she’s two years old I realize that it’s never something I’ve dealt with, nor had the opportunity to talk about and work out. 

This is why it’s important to have of a community around mothers during and after pregnancy. Not only can it help the other spouse who is trying to cater to their spouse’s needs and the new baby, but it also helps the mother know that she isn’t alone. that their spouse may be able to rest and so can they. You’re not just a feeding machine and baby changer, but an actual person as well. I’ve had to fortunate opportunity to have y grandmother right at my side since I was 9 months pregnant. she went from staying for a while, to fully leaving with us, and I couldn’t imagine it any other way. Even when my daughter’s father and I decided not to be together, she never budged, but kept it cool & has been by my side ever since.

To the mothers that clearly don’t get this help, I want to say that I love you and my heart goes out to you each and every day in every way. not much else to say while I’m in it and I hope that by the time Callie starts school I start to feel a lil less in crisis.

Focus on the Youth

Focus on the Youth

The Flowers Type and the Marrying Kind (As Originally written 1/29/18)

The Flowers Type and the Marrying Kind (As Originally written 1/29/18)