
Welcome to my site. This is a safe space for us BOTH to share and learn. I share adventures in travel as a life coach and doula, my joy as a food lover, and this is the ONLY place to book me for a tarot reading.

Hope you have a nice stay here!

A reflection

A reflection

So maybe the past couple of posts have been a lil vulnerable and tough pills to swallow about ya girl. Lol. Here’s the thing, I’m human! I’ve had a real life, and I still do. There’s nothing glamorous about sharing the tough times, but there’s a chance to relate to people who have been through or are going through it. That’s all I can hope for.

Well, with that said, let’s talk about how tough it is to reflect on back your life just for yourself. Most times I’m not writing about it. I’ll think on it for a but, put it out my head and go about my day. Sound familiar? Yeah, we all often do that. We push the unpleasant parts of something we did, must do, or are currently doing, to the back of our minds as if they will never come back up, or as if pushing it back will make it somehow go away. This usually is how diseases start within the body. A DIS-ease in the spirit causes disease in the body. Say what you want, EVERYTHING starts in the spirit first! The physical body is simply a delayed reaction to all things that happen in the mental/crown/spirit first. The good thing is, this is all preventable, as well as curable. You never have to believe that the physical form of yourself is the only form you can’t change, or it’s too late, or it’s the ONLY form you control. We MUST strive to get out of this mindset, as it is the epitome of lack mindset. It’s believing you’re not in divine control of all your “bodies”. Take your body back!

To do this, you may need to take yourself somewhere you don’t want to go mentally. You can do this alone or with someone you feel comfortable being emotional with. Take yourself down the rabbit hole and FULLY feel everything. See it clearly, go THROUGH the situation and see all sides of it. Don’t only allow yourself to see you, but everyone in each position. You may see something different or feel a bit less angry about it. Things are only as intense as the energy we give it. We often give the most energy to things that don’t matter because of our ego. Wanting to be “right”. It’s not always about being right though, sometimes it’s about being at peace, which can sometimes “feel wrong”. The thing is, in order to get through to the other side of life, and not have it smack you in the face through some other situation, you MUST sort whatever “IT” is within yourself. This alone is one of the heathiest things you can do for yourself. True heart health!

A&W, an Homage to my Inner Sacral Goddess

A&W, an Homage to my Inner Sacral Goddess